oliver walsh

computer scientist & software developer

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Software Engineer


March 2020 - Present

Dolomite is a U.S. based decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based out of Metuchen, New Jersey.

Developed with React to create an order detail page of all historical fills on Dolomite [stats.dolomite.io/fills].

Currently working on various frontend improvements and some backend stuff with the hummingbot API & web3j.

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web development

My favorite method to build websites is with React & TypeScript. I typically use extensions of React like next.js & Gatsby. I also love using Vue, usually for smaller projects. My favorite Vue framework is nuxt.js, since it handles a lot of under-the-hood configuration. I've worked on the micro to macro scale when it comes to websites. I've built entire architectures from scratch and optimized aspects of massive preexisting systems.

backend & databases

I've had exposure to a wide variety of backends, differing in all shapes and sizes. As I've uncovered the breadth of data structures over the years, recognizing the semantics of most backend structures has become progressively easier for me. I'm experienced in developing with SQL (& pSQL), PostgreSQL, MongoDB, OracleDB, Firebase, lightweight JS backends, various cloud services (Heroku, AWS, Azure), and more various backend and DB systems.

blockchain & crypto

I've had an interest in the cryptocurrency space for years, my focus has matured into the world of Blockchain. On top of taking blockchain concepts & applications course at Lehigh, I've taken a discrete blockchain algorithms course as well. Now, I'm working with the Scalable Systems Software Research Group [sss.cse.lehigh.edu] in order to theorize and develop innovative blockchain software.

machine learning

My intention for 2021 is to begin a research pursuit into the field of machine learning and the evolution of neural networks. Currently learning to make my own neural networks with large datasets in Python with sci-kit, pytorch, and tensorflow. Ultimately, I think ML will propel us to a sort of computational transcendence, given that our hardware (biological or synthetic) allows for it.


Being an extreme advocate of open-source, messing around with Linux distros has been a favorite past-time of mine for the better part of my young adult life. I'm now diving into the depths of Arch Linux but I also have experience with Kali and Debian through my work as a systems administrator at LU.

app development

I've developed in Android Studio to create mock mobile apps, Flutter to make cross-compatible applications, and Xcode & Swift to publish iOS applications. I have also developed with React Native, which I find as fun to code as normal React.

Featured Projects


Dolomite Order Fills

Created the Dolomite historical order fills page from scratch using React. Integrated a Scala backend in order to display information about all orders which have been completed through the exchange, dating back to the beginning of Dolomite.

React.jsxScalaHTML5JavaScript ES6+SCSSNode.js

Lehigh Coders' Community (LCC)

Individually conceived and materialized Lehigh's largest C.S. organization, with the goal of uniting the tech-interested population of the student body. Served as President for the 2019-2020 school year, now Academic Chair for the 2020-2021 school year. Connected with companies like SIG, Lockheed Martin, and Mojang (Microsoft) to hold professional development events for the general membership. Ran student and faculty hosted seminars and workshops focusing on various technologies. Collaborated with other student organizations around the country to further expand the LCC network (i.e. bitproject @ UC-Davis [https://www.bitproject.org/]).



Developed in Swift with project leaders from Sony R&D during my internship to launch PresenceTalk beta on the app store. Worked on localization, app components, backend organization, and marketing.


CSE6 Cubed

Contributing to an open-source software development course created by fellow upperclassmen within the Coders' Community. Aims to provide the resources necessary to attain an understanding of full-stack application development in conjunction with the courses in a C.S. degree at LU. Current work in progress.




Oliver Walsh 2020